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6th Alder Tossing in the Towel

Judy Compton joins Eagon, Schumacher, Kerr, Sanborn and Pham-Remmele.

Jail Resolution moves Forward Tomorrow Night

Public Protection and Judiciary and Health and Human Needs expected to vote tomorrow night. Personnel and Finance to meet and vote the 23rd and the full county board to vote on Thursday, March 26
Round Up

Round Up

Now that everything is done being closed, where do wild creatures go when it's cold out, grace period to pay your property taxes, school board forum and more.

Wow, Racist Bar Policies Ok with Police and Mayor?

I'm not even talking R Place. I'm talking about the policies where you have to have a state DRIVER'S LICENSE (ID not ok) or...

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Random Homeless Services Updates

Closing for Friday and Monday, meals, events.

Moving? Protect Your Security Deposit from Carpeting and Painting Charges!

Madison’s “Moving Day“ is this week! Learning the real deal about these common myths can help tenants protect their security deposits and avoid potentially being charged thousands of dollars:

County Throws Out Homeless Property

While everyone else was at the Philosopher's Stones yesterday, this was happening at the City-County Building

The City’s Transportation Plan: Monorail?!

I fought for and was a lead sponsor for a transportation plan when I was on the council, therefore, Mayor Dave (and therefore staff) opposed it. Now we have a Mayor that is more interested in doing what is right then what is politically expedient. The plan commission got an overview last night.

Another County Board Showdown Coming Tonight?

Chairman Urges Board to Approve Infrastructure Appropriation $7.85 Million Needed to Fund Basic Operations Ahead of Annual Borrowing; Spending Already Approved in Capital Budget

Snowbank and Iced Walks by Mary Jo Walters

What happened to THE sand/salt mix?

Rallies at City-County Building now require police?

I've been going to rallies in front of the City-County Building for 20 years. It's a routine - rally, register, wait, testify, wait and watch, hope for a good vote and go home. I've never seen it involve police until yesterday. What was different?