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Irritated with Urban Design Commission

Pssst, pay attention to how you impact others . . . if we've learned anything in the past month, its that public process matters....

Mark Pocan To Fitzgerald Brothers . . .

The State Legislature over the past few months has been transformed into a vindictive and malicious institution with severe repercussions. March 16, 2010 HAND DELIVERED Senate...

Support the Scene – 3/17 – 3/19

Thursday March 17th I know I did not post anything last week, I was busy with band stuff. We opened the show for Jackie Greene...

D. A. Complaint that was Filed on Open Meetings Violation

Here's a copy of the complaint. It names Jeff Fitzgerald, Scott Fitzgerald, Mike Ellis, Scott Suder and Doug LaFollette as defendants. And, it asks to find them in violation and make their action void.

Discrimination Complaint against Waukesha County!

Wow. Everyone is getting radical!

Its not about anger…its about hope.

Scott Walker recall   H/t to Harris Lemberg I wonder if any other politician in history has been on both sides of a recall? At least...

Common Council Recap (Minus Zoning Code Rewrite)

The Zoning Code Rewrite was referred after a public hearing, but they will vote on the 29th which is amazing how quickly this is now moving. I'm sure unintended consequences will be felt for years. They spent about an hour and 10 minutes listening to testimony from what mostly looked like lobbyists. Here's the rest of what they discussed last night.

Dane County Executive Candidates Interviews

John Quinlan and myself interviewed Eileen Bruskewitz and Joe Parisi.

Meeting to discuss Walkers’s $900M Cut to Schools

Scott Walker's path of destruction continues, with a huge cuts to schools and more . . . here's a meeting to try to find out more information about how it will affect the schools and what can be done about it.

Items Council Members Will Discuss Tonight (Updated AGAIN)

These are the items that need more than 11 votes or alders want to talk about tonight. And of course, there is the Zoning Code Rewrite public hearing tonight as well.

Alders Seek Reimbursement for Inappropriate Use of Madison Metro Buses

By the Republican Senators . . . Larry Palm, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Chris Schmidt will likely be joined by many others in asking...

AFSCME Endorses Dave, Gets a New Contract

I thought there was something fishy, how could AFSCME endorse a guy that recommended automating the parking attendants and privatizing the Overture. Maybe...