Home Media Page 31


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How does that County Board Budget Process Work?

Beats the hell out of me. Clear. as. mud. The jail has a hearing tonight at PP&J (Public Protection and Judiciary), county board has a hearing tomorrow night.

Mark Clear Tries to Make Good

I guess he decided he does have an ethics problem and he's trying to fix it. Extra agenda item for tonight's Common Council Meeting.

County Week Ahead

7 of the 19 meetings before 5pm. Budget, budget, budget this week . . . $108 for the jail, the most expensive public works project in the county's history. Go Dane Go, GO!!! So much for the talk about equity and disparities . . . grrrr. And sorry this is late, I had about 20 minutes left and I thought I would "quick finish it at work" . . . ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, 12 start before 5pm, 1 cancelled, 3 have no agendas yet.

Alder Mark Clear’s Ethics Challenges

So, rumor has it, Mark Clear owns stock in Exact Sciences and recently tripled his investment, and yet he sponsored the resolution to give them $2.5M, voted on it at the city council meeting and failed to disclose this on his statement of interest forms or at the council meeting and he didn't disqualify himself from voting. Seriously? Yes, seriously.

City Operating Budget Initial Presentations (Part 2)

Here we go again . . . I missed the public input in favor of the police, hard to get here on time! Alders are also slowly trickling in.

City Operating Budget Initial Presentations

I missed the capital budget, but I"m determined to get the operating budget done! We'll see . . . I tend to be a little too optimistic about my time!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Only one meeting? Guess they wore themselves out at that retreat we got late notice about . . .

County Week Ahead

17 meetings, 3 committees starting to work on the budget, and only 5 meetings before 4pm. County Board meeting this week.

City Week Ahead

24 meetings, 13 of them on Wednesday. 8 of them at 4pm or earlier. Operating Budget presentations are this week.

School Board Needs More Transparency

Yeah, I've said it before, will say it again, the school board sucks when it comes to transparency. Half the time I can't figure out what is going on cuz I don't spend half my life following the school board and you shouldn't have to just to know what is going on. They have a meeting on Saturday that wasn't in the school board week ahead this week because they finally sent the notice out late Wednesday (50 hours in advance of the meeting) and there's the agenda tbd for the "department", another agenda, and the real agenda.

How One County Board Supervisor will Vote on the Jail

And why. My county board supervisor was kind enough to spell out all her reasons why voting for the $108M jail makes no sense . . . yes, its really $108M.