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Catching Up on Judge Doyle Square

Ok, I've been slacking, so while I'm catching up on everything, I thought I'd fill you in!

School Board Decision on Edgewater TIF

Brief. I got the feeling they were threatened with a law suit or something by their lack of discussion. And, despite previous...

Channel 3000 Irresponsible Editorial.

Either they have inside information about something and are doing the bidding of the developer, or they are WAY off base. This is the editorial in question. Sorry, its about the Edgewater, but hey, they brought it up!

(Late) Report on Day Center Approval

This is from the plan commission meeting on Monday. Where staff beats back the ridiculous requests for conditions on the day center posed by 7 - 9 un-named business community members, most who were too cowardly to show up to the plan commission meeting and plan commission beats back the goofy request for making the developer pay for a bus stop, which never happens - including on the projects they approved earlier in the evening 2 blocks away. hey didn't really address pedestrian safety . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Monday, August 7 5:00 p.m. Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session WORKSHOP Doyle Administration Building 545 West Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703...

City Week Ahead

Committee on Again, Community Services Committee and Long Range Transportation Committee are cancelled this week. Of the 14 remaining meetings - 8 of them start before 5:00. Spring break and 4th week of the month so light week.

What is Wrong with Our City of Madison Common Council

RANT AHEAD! (Don't worry, its thoughtful as I can be after sitting through 7 hours of meetings with them and listening to them...

The Week Ahead, Take II

Yesterday, the City added a record 10 meetings to the weekly schedule, giving little functional notice to the public. Here's the meetings that were added and what might be of interest and you might want to change your plans for today or tomorrow.

Maxwell John Love: On the Budget and the UW

It's tied to the Walker stuff. An important read.

Scott Walker’s Infrastructure Investment Fail

The Governor provides the perfect example of why we need to dig deeper and do our homework to justify more highway improvements. Today, the average net return on highway investment has dropped below the return of leaving the money in the private sector. That means digging deeper with our research than simply looking at the businesses or municipalities asking for an improvement

Tenant’s Rights Attack – 33 more changes!

Late yesterday afternoon we learned of the newest attack on tenant rights. I gotta admit, when the Republicans attack tenants, they do it completely and thoroughly - and the particularly hate Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County tenants. Check out the long list of things they will be changing if successful.

Hovde TIF Agreement

Wow. This is pretty complicated, no alders asked questions, and I'm beginning to wonder if they understand it. And it looks like another $3.4M for structured parking . . . .