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What’s Wrong with How we Do Business in Madison?

Specifically, the development process? Just cuz a ordinary citizens who LIVE and work in Madison, have a different visions of what they want...

Soglin: Resources For the Homeless when Library Closes

Alder Rummel got this response from the Mayor. I, of course, have some comments.

Bellini’s Likely To Cost More Money to Work

Tuesday Health and Human Needs got an update on the day center, I wasn't there, but this is what I learned . . . so far . . .

Overture Agreement

All the gory details.

More Service Cuts

You gotta be REALLY poor to get free clothing from Community Action Coalition, who in the last year cut their hours, now they are cutting who they serve.

County Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings.

County Board Week Ahead

No shortage of meetings here either. 25 meetings plus maybe more on Friday, I couldn't get to the second page, kept getting a...

Common Council Recap (Minus Zoning Code Rewrite)

The Zoning Code Rewrite was referred after a public hearing, but they will vote on the 29th which is amazing how quickly this is now moving. I'm sure unintended consequences will be felt for years. They spent about an hour and 10 minutes listening to testimony from what mostly looked like lobbyists. Here's the rest of what they discussed last night.

New Parisi TV Ad

The Dane County Way . . .

Madison(ish) Schools Week Ahead

They have last weeks meeting announcements up . . . :( And what they do have up wasn't there last week when I blogged, but...

Wanna buy a house in a park?

We got three and they're about to be up for grabs! In yet another abnormal process. Seems as tho abnormal is now the normal.