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Hey, Let’s Change TIF Policy . . . AGAIN!

I've been hearing rumors of this, saw an email that went out last week, and now we have the official word from the mayor . . .

Tid Bits From Common Council Organizational Committee

This committee is the only committee that has only alders on it, so it is a good sign of things to come

County Board Budget Amendments – Personnel and Finance Recap

Part one today, the rest on Wednesday. These were all capital budget amendments.

Rally! Rally! Rally!

As the legislature goes back into session, does Wisconsin have the energy left to rally? I'm sure the legislature has a fresh new...

Finally, A List of Potential Day Center Sites! (UPDATED!)

Well, looking at the list, it is a little embarrassing. Please send in any ideas you might have. UPDATED: RFP reissued!

Late County Week Ahead

You only missed one meeting. 21 left to go!

5 more changes to the alleged City Week Ahead

4 yesterday, 5 today, that would be what, a C or D if we were giving them a grade based on how well they are doing. Or maybe it should just be an incomplete.

And the Answer is . . .

The county answers my previously denied open records request, kinda, they gave me the information, but my request is still denied.

March Madness Preparations

Mid-March about 150 - 200 homeless men run out of time in shelter til next Nov 1st.

Homeless Simulation on Mother’s Day

Heidi Wegleitner is amazing, look how she spent her first mother's day.

Added City Meeting

Yeah, this is monotonous on one level, infuriating on a local government transparency level . . . Good thing that homelessness or Uber/Lyft...