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Mayor’s Capital Budget Message

Yup, budget time!

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

Madison Metro Schools Week Ahead

I just realized that I shouldn't be calling this "Madison Schools" since it doesn't really cover Madison in the way most of us think about it!

One Madison Schools Meeting This Week?

It's all I could find. Wednesday, July 6th 5pm - Wright Middle School (WMS) Governance Board Meeting - Wright Middle School, 1717 Fish Hatchery Road, Madison,...

City Week Ahead

It's sure to be wrong, but here's the publicly available information as of this morning before the clerk's get back to work . . . and then who knows what will change, will try to keep you updated with their changes. Lots of (no links) again. :(

10 years later . . .

The County is finally going to require electronic filing of campaign finance reports. The city has been doing this for years.

Why the “City Week Ahead” is a joke . . .

Garbage in, garbage out. Here's just a few (5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . .) extra meetings that showed up in the 9 hours AFTER I tried to tell you what is going on this week.

Urban League Forum, Belated

I was sick, didn't video tape it and well, shit happened. But, I watched a video I could get my hands on. I blogged, scored and commented below. Enjoy!

Redistricting Begins Here!

At the local level . . . yup, it's your favorite time of the (every 10) years. County Board seeking you input.

County Housing Plan?

Now is the time to get involved! The Comp Plan Steering committee is getting input from committees and since they didn't do anything since they passed the plan 5 years ago, now is the time to make this a priority and give it teeth!

Joe Parisi: Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

And Joe Parisi's answer to: Do you support a referendum on restricting corporate contributions in campaigns. Why, or why not?

(City) Week Ahead . . . Maybe, Kinda, Sorta

Certain to change . . . but here's what I have for now.