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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Mayor’s Operating Budget Instructions

Read it and . . . show up to the listening session to let him know what you think!

County Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings . . .

What the Council Plans to Talk About Tonight (Updated)

Nothing? No items of interest for any council members? I highly doubt it.

Fair Wisconsin . . . Not Fair?

Fair Wisconsin often has progressives rolling their eyes about their endorsements that usually follow the Democratic Party endorsements. This one, has me scratching my head . . .

Board Of Estimates – Pre-Capital Budget

Since I'm here- this is the short story. Not making any promises here. Half paying attention.

About those predictions . . .

How'd I do?

Wednesday and Thursday Morning Round Up

Didn't blog at all yesterday . . . too much to do, too little time. So double round up! LOCAL NEWS BLOGGITY-BLOG...

New Year’s Bus Service

Extended rides tonight, limited rides tomorrow . . .

City Week Ahead – Change Three

This is typical for this committee to be late - it probably only matters to city employees, but still . . .

County Executive Budget “favorable” to Human Services

Of course, funding for TRC was restored, so I am happy, but there is other good news as well . . . but the county board will be left to struggle with how to pay the operating costs for the Day Resource Center (that doesn't yet exist).

Opal Tometi: The #blacklivesmatter Praxis

Why We Are the Ones We Are Waiting For. This is part of the @blacklivesmatter speakers series Sponsored by Young, Gifted and Black, Comparative U.S. Studies...

County Week Ahead

3 of 9 meetings after 5:00. 33%, a failing grade.