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Don’t forget to vote! . . . this Saturday?

Don't have time on Tuesday? You an absentee vote tomorrow morning 9 - noon.

Where does the Chormium VI in our Water Come From?

Coal Ash? MG&E?

City Still Making Money by Towing Your Car

West side and Willy St.

TAA Endorses Szarzynski

Oooops, missed on this morning . . . got buried in my email!

Stop Piling on….

I know Chris Rickert, is fairly new to the Wisconsin State Journal, but I usually really like his columns. Today however, his...

Democrats Favor McDonell

Who do the members of the Democratic Party think should be the next county executive? The straw poll says . . . Dane...

Ethics . . . Is there hope?

After attending the Ethics Board meeting last night, it really feels like there need to be reforms in the ethics process. "Complainants" hardly have a chance of being successful in the current system.

More Towing Tonight and Tomorrow

I keep hoping that S Few street shows up on the list since one car has screwed up about 3 or 4 parking spots...

Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

Wineke on TV

Fightin', he's fightin!

McDonell Record of Creating Jobs

Jobs, jobs, jobs . . .

Parisi on TV: The official announcement

I scooped them on their own story by accident . . .