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County Board Budget/RTA Week Ahead

Four RTA meetings this week. . . . and they might finish their budget tonight.

Back to Work (City) Week Ahead

Back at it! As the calendar rolls into December and election season officially starts! I wonder how many meetings get added this week because they got lost in the shuffle during the short week last week.

Overture – Version 5

Well . . . I was there, but I'm not sure I understood the explanation about how this is different . . . and the strike out and underline version wasn't available to the public, and it wasn't complete anyways.

1st Time in 8 years! Cost of Living Increases for Nonprofits

Right as we're (Tenant Resource Center) getting defunded . . . yeah, that makes sense!

City Week Ahead

Buying Brayton lot, Edgewater, Moving historic house in Bethel parking lot, James Madison Park Surplus mystery committee and more.

County Week Ahead

19 meetings, that we know about . . . then there are the extra special ones they don't tell us about and you can only see if you go the hallway outside the clerks office and look.

Jessica King: Greyhound Bus Move

A letter from a concerned citizen . . .

District 8: Candidates Top Issues

District 8, usually known as the "student district" covers a portion of Langdon St, the Spring St. area and the dorms.

2 Homeless Deaths this Weekend

4 5 since October 1, that we know about. If you know of others, make sure to get the info to MUM before tomorrow so they can be recognized in The Longest Night Homeless Person's Memorial Service on 12/21

Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn't just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

City Week Ahead

14 meetings before 5pm, out of 24. Sending a very, very strong message that the public is generally unwelcome.

Board of Estimates Recap

A little short, but at least I'm back to paying attention to city business AND my keyboard works which makes blogging much, much easier! Yay!