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City Keeps its AAA Bond Rating

Tho CDA, Water Utility and Sewer Utility not quite that high . . .

County Public Hearing on Human Service Budget

Tomorrow! 6:00. Come support the Tenant Resource Center! If you can't make it, email parisi@countyofdane.com. Here's the official notice!

The Most Expensive Meetings in Town?

The Edgewater? I'm thinking probably not. I was at a meeting last night with probably 20 paid non-profit staff in the meeting, and over the next few weeks and months, that will play itself out over, and over, and over. And it makes me wonder, how much of the money we are vying for is being spent in these meetings? Despite efforts to streamline the process, it still seems silly. More complicated than the development process that is getting all the attention, take a peek!

City Week Ahead

Cancelled meetings not showing up here are Historic Preservation Plan Advisory Committee (tonight), Early Childhood Care and Education Committee (Wednesday), Council Meeting (Thursday). There are so many odd things going on with this weeks schedule - its a mess. Most important thing to know is Council meets on Judge Doyle Square and the Budget on Tuesday - Wednesday if needed.

City Week Ahead

This is somewhat of a mess, 2 cancelled meetings, 5 meetings listed in legistar with no agenda's, meetings listed on the weekly meeting schedule without access to agendas and one meeting with no agenda and two different times and locations listed. Plus meetings at 2pm, 1pm, 8:30am, 11am, 9 am, 12pm, 12pm, 2:30pm and 12pm.

Mo’ Meetings!

4 more meetings posted today.

County Week Ahead

Budget hearings are beginning with presentations from staff . . .

WORT Turns 36 Today!

Happy Birthday WORT! Send them a little love! I wonder if they knew 36 years ago that WORT Community Radio would be such a success?

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget but meetings still at 1pm, 2:30pm, 3:45pm, 8:15, 8am and 9am

Upcoming Demolitions

Haven't done these for a very, very long time.

(No link) City Week Ahead

So annoying when the clerks office doesn't have the links to the agendas. If I have time I will hunt down the links, but I"m guessing no time before going to work.

Snow Removal Reminder: Clear Sidewalks by Noon Today

From the City of Madison: The snow that started to fall on Friday, January 14, 2011 continued into Saturday morning. All snow and ice shall...