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County Week Ahead

Budget hearings are beginning with presentations from staff . . .

Mo’ Meetings! The City Weekly Meeting Schedule is a Misnomer

3 added meetings on Monday:

National Transportation Group Takes Notice of Wisconsin’s New Governor

While Scott Walker is talking about dubious emergency measures to "right-size" government and create jobs, a 2005 WISDOT report estimates they had $1.36 billion in highway cost overruns in the previous 15 years. I am hoping Mark Pocan, who is on the newly formed Government Waste Commission, will be bringing this up regularly at their meetings.

Friday Morning Round Up

3 days in a row, not a habit yet . . . but forming. And with a little attitude this morning. It's nice to have more opinion, less reporting. :)

Wednesday News Round Up

A little more news today . . .

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, 4 of them before 5:00.

Mo’ Mo’ Meetings, Some Cancelled

3 adds, 1 cancellation. That makes 7 meetings added this week . . . so far . . . 7 of 29 is almost 25% of the meetings.

Picking the Next Police Chief

Memo from the police and fire commission . . . Look for questionnaires and be ready for public comment on October 14th at 6:00 at the Downtown Library.

CNI Mayoral Debate . . .

all the details . . .

Park on the ODD Side of the Street tonight!

Downtowners, I'm sure you noticed the snow and that only half of our streets are plowed, make sure to move your cars to the ODD side of the street tonight so they can do the other half!

Capital Budget Amendments Out!

They will be considered at the Board of Estimates meeting on Monday.

Longest Night Rememberance Today at 3:00

Please join MUM, First Congregational UCC, Lake Edge UCC, Lakeview Lutheran Church, Grace Episcopal Church and First United Methodist Church at 3:00 p.m. on...