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Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn't just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

City Week Ahead

14 meetings before 5pm, out of 24. Sending a very, very strong message that the public is generally unwelcome.

Board of Estimates Recap

A little short, but at least I'm back to paying attention to city business AND my keyboard works which makes blogging much, much easier! Yay!

Council Discusses “Reform” Tonight, Public Not Welcome

It's a public meeting, but there will be no public comment. I'm not sure why they don't want to hear from the public, but I think it stinks. It's our public body that represents us, changing how they represent us, but apparently we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads about it.

Important DNR Conservation Congress Tonight

I promised to blog about this, then promptly misplaced the papers with the details, but . . . here's a note from another party...

Noon Council Meeting: Out with the Old, In with the New?

Hmmm...I guess.

Take Action for Genele

From Freedom Inc, because no matter how the police explain it . . . this is not what we expect in our community. "Call District Ozanne to demand that there be no charges for Genele and she be released. 608.266.4211" Arraignment may be at 1:30 today . . . rally at 1:00 in front of the Jail.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (with legal memo)

They won't be doing much talking, mostly listening. Nothing has been separated by the council to discuss. And the main is event is item number one, a petition submitted by police supporters. Michael May has a new memo about what this petition means. (read below)

City Council Recap – Part I

A day late, but here it is!

28 Demolition Notices This Year . . . So Far

I've been kinda slacking on the demolition notices, so here there are since January 1, in case I missed some. Will remain more vigilant moving forward. In all, there 28 demolition notices so far this year. If I got this right, it is 7 multi-unit residential properties, 9 single family homes, 8 commercial buildings plus the Bethel House and St. Paul's Chapel and 2 vacant lots. Some of the information is pretty vague.

City Week Ahead

Budget battle begins . . .

Republican Horror Extends to Animals, Too

The forces of justice and progressivism are more active than they've ever been in response to the Republican state budget. But one issue that has...