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County Week Ahead Sans Monday

Didn't get up early enough yesterday . . . but here's the rest of the week.

Alternate Side Parking Ends

This press release looks like one of my worst blog posts . . .

Redistricting Update

Update from Brian Grady, the city staff for the City Redistricting Committee. Meeting tomorrow night, but its not on the weekly schedule. ...

Local Officials Speak Out Against Pridemore’s Arizona Style Immigration Law

A County Board Supervisor and City of Madison Alder make a statement. Good to see their leadership on this.

Joe Parisi: 2017 Budget Instructions

I didn't even read it yet, but you know, this year will be one of the toughest budget years ever . . . again. No one can anything to the budget, except when he does it for new awesome programs handpicked by him with no public process.

Local Conservatives Stymied by Lack of Understanding of Open Records Law

A while back I reported that local conservative groups were launching a series of open records requests with the Madison School District that targeted...

City Week Ahead

A little unusual this week.

Who is doing more for Homelessness and Poverty?

Well, the city has their heads buried in the sand and are busy pointing fingers at the county . . . the county is working a little harder at the legislative level (head buried in sand at executive level). Check out just this week's meeting schedules for an example.

“Broken” Process Primer

For those of you looking for the background materials and information about the development process, here's a compilation of everything I could think of. It might be helpful to review if you're going to the Neighborhood Summit tomorrow! (Saturday, 9 - noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1904 Winnebago).

Why Does it Matter if We have No Affordable Housing Plan?

Seriously, isn't our housing affordable here in Madison? Take a look . . .

Wisconsin Republicans Planning to Secure Road Funding, Destabilize Transit Funding.

An e-mail sent out by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association reports strong rumblings that either the Governor or the Legislature will try to...


Sorry - light blogging week - busy with work. SB179 is currently kicking my ass. Nothing but work - tons of blogging...