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Dust off your green tights . . .

And prepare to do your best Robin Hood . . .

County Week Ahead

Also, County Budget season!

What will the Council talk about Tonight? (Updated)

Very few items.

What I can decipher of the County Week Ahead

These agendas are tough with their alphabet soup and jargon and lack of details. Here's my best attempt . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

I found 6 meetings . . . I'm sure there are more . . .

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

City’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Search high and low, I don't think you will find anything else in writing that includes the city anti-poverty plan, except in the largely dismissed obscure HUD report. i.e. Don't hold your breath waiting for something earth shattering.

Capitol Watch: Wisconsin the New Arizona?

The all republican capitol is sure to set the state back centuries . . . so I'm starting a new Capitol Watch feature to point out my outrage of the day. There will be many, I had to choose one for today. Should Wisconsin be the new Arizona when it comes to immigration policy?

County Week Ahead

A unpleasant reminder that Legistar is only as good as the people using it- garbage in, garbage out. Actually, they just need to get the right information in there in a timely manner, but instead there is just no info or links, with a few exceptions.

County Board Week Ahead

Wow, the list of committees is not very helpful . . . since they are really meetings of subcommittees of the committees listed.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Track One

This item is a list of potential non-controversial changes to correct errors or omissions or to include things that were approved in other plans. They would prepare the amendments if this list is approved.

City Gets an F for City Weekly Meeting List Accuracy on Monday morning!

There are 23 meetings on the weekly meeting schedule now, Monday morning there were only 15! 8 added meetings so far, a 53% increase in 48 hours or a 65% accuracy rating, a D or F if a teacher were grading the city.