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The County Week Ahead

It's so hard to know what is of interest, since there are no attachments and its hard to find information about the agenda item . . . but here's my best educated guess about what is of interest.

Weekend + Monday Round Up

News is slowing down . . . less local government to cover . . . except for spring elections.

County Executive Candidates want YOU to Know!

Ok, I've probably just been to too many of these events to be anything but critical . . . but this isn't really what I expected to hear in the first 3 minute opening statements of the County Executive Candidates. They seemed odd to me. What do you think?

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part II)

Sister cities, farming city parks, BREWD grant for Royster Clark, Development Review Process Report, undergrounding utilities (who pays and how the work gets done)...

Depressing Housing and Homelessness Facts

As we are putting together our Housing is a Human Right Resolution (still draft for a few more days) we are gathering facts about housing in the Dane County area, and its depressing. And, I have two anecdotes to share to drive that home.

Kyle Szarzynski: Is Dianne Hesselbein really pro-immigrant?

She certainly intends to portray herself as such in her bid to replace Spencer Black, the outgoing representative for District 77 in the State Assembly.

A moment of silence.

We have a lot to think about.

Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate

If you missed her when she was here in Madison, here's about a half hour of her talking with Matt Rothschild and then some Questions and Answers with the audience.

Two More Demolitions & A New Preservation Planner

You know, none of these have been too controversial and they seem to be growing day by day . . . interesting, eh? Oh, and old news about the new preservation planner.

Mo’ Meetings

I grow so tired of this . . . every week, 3 - 10 extra meetings that didn't get posted on Friday, often with 24 - 48 hours notice, today its 26 hours notice, 26 hours notice and 30 hours notice. Last night the Homeless Issues Committee had to be cancelled because the CITY failed to post it properly - the county got it done.

Sign up to Help Run the City . . .

With the way things are going, good people on city committees are more important than ever!