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Noon Council Meeting: Out with the Old, In with the New?

Hmmm...I guess.

Take Action for Genele

From Freedom Inc, because no matter how the police explain it . . . this is not what we expect in our community. "Call District Ozanne to demand that there be no charges for Genele and she be released. 608.266.4211" Arraignment may be at 1:30 today . . . rally at 1:00 in front of the Jail.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (with legal memo)

They won't be doing much talking, mostly listening. Nothing has been separated by the council to discuss. And the main is event is item number one, a petition submitted by police supporters. Michael May has a new memo about what this petition means. (read below)

City Council Recap – Part I

A day late, but here it is!

28 Demolition Notices This Year . . . So Far

I've been kinda slacking on the demolition notices, so here there are since January 1, in case I missed some. Will remain more vigilant moving forward. In all, there 28 demolition notices so far this year. If I got this right, it is 7 multi-unit residential properties, 9 single family homes, 8 commercial buildings plus the Bethel House and St. Paul's Chapel and 2 vacant lots. Some of the information is pretty vague.

Day Center Contract Won’t Be Approved by the County Board?

Most contracts by Dane County over $100,000 have to go to the county board. The county board has approved a resolution saying the day center will have long term storage. It seems, neither of these things is going to happen and after reading the ordinances I can't, for the life of me, figure out why staff have so much power and the county board supervisors seem to have none.

Lookin’ At the Supreme Court Decision

Particularly, Abrahamson's awesome dissent. Rudy Moore, a friend of mine from Foley & Lardner helps break it down. Rudy was a judicial intern for Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. Besides being an attorney, he's also an electrical engineer, recipient of a Congressional medal for service in Antarctica after spending 13 months there, and he's a commercially licensed pilot.

Non-Consent Agenda for tonight

If its not on this list or a public hearing item, it will likely be passed as noted on the council agenda.

County Week Ahead

Only 12 meetings.

Operating Budget – Part II

Part I is here. Here's more of what the departments are proposing.

Urban League’s Closed Meeting

Yeah, I wasn't allowed to go, because I'm a blogger. A few folks who have similar community media roles, but also are heavily involved in the community were asked to leave. Leaves me a little suspicious . . . and curious. I'm not buying it that you can't have this type of conversation with media present.

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead
