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Incomplete City Week Ahead

Yeah, I already know of missing meetings . . . like the Economic Development Committee hearings on the "broken" development process.

Tenants and Their Allies Should Watch Where They Shop!

Here's the M&I and Johnsonville version of businesses tenants and their supporters might want to avoid as they are members of the Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin who supported SB107 and are supporting AB155 that is up before the Assembly Housing Committee Wednesday at 10:00 that will strip tenants in Madison of their current protections. (Read more here)

14 people applied to fill District 11 Alder Seat

Yeah 14. We only have 4 races for 37 county board seats, but when you don't have to campaign, raise money, deal with nastiness, etc. we have plenty of people willing to serve . . . by tomorrow, it will be decided who will be filling this seat.

Random Round Up

Things going on around town.

Hands off Brandi!

From YGB: Join us at 4:00 on Friday to make sure the MPD keeps their hands off Brandi Grayson!!

Single Women Ask for Improvements at Salvation Army Single Women’s Shelter

Nervous about retaliation, looking for support, but steeled in their resolve to get improvements. And yes, I was asked to blog this because...

Heikkenen’s Excuse

Insensitive remarks, calling citizens "wingnuts" explained . . . it was just a joke. eyeroll. Will the Water Utility Director's comments impact his contract...

Cracking the Conservative Transportation Frame

With a promised audit of WISDOT in the works, now is a good time to reflect on how conservatives on Wisconsin’s joint audit committee...

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

Most people will be voting on schools issues . . . but there is also a Mayoral primary in Fitchburg.

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

State Transportation Up at 2pm Today

UPDATE: JFC will not be taking up Transportation Today according to the latest memo.  JFC will meet at 2:30pm today to take up issues listed...