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It’s Friday, Before a Holiday Weekend, So . . .

How about some new information about the Edgewater issue to be decided on Tuesday.

Wisconsin Transportation Spending Graph

This chart I found at  Milwaukee Rising says it all: Click the graphic for a larger view.  The graph is from a 2010 WISDOT report on transportation budget...

Info On City Council Candidates . . . Part One

I recently looked through all the files, and the clerk's staff asked me why I was doing it . . . what do we get out of it? I'll tell ya!

Enviros Support Parisi

It's a Joe Parisi lovefest! Sorry other candidates, send me your stuff, I'll post it! :)

Dane County Turns 175!

Older than any of us will ever get! Or most of our houses!

End of Grusome Week Round Up

Two intense board meetings, a couple grants and generally just too much work to do, means the blog got a little neglected this week. Not sure its going to get better any time soon. Special thanks to co-foorwardlookout blogger Erik Paulson for filling in with the EDC meeting and the James Madison Park Committee meeting (see post later today).

Zach Brandon, A “Republican?”

Special thanks to the forwardlookout spy network for this one . . .

RTA Draft Plan for Transit

Some anti-RTA folks are trying to play up the lack of specifics in the RTA's plan that recently made the news.  To assuage their...

City Loses Tax Fight with Adams Outdoor Advertising

A cool million or more for the taxpayer to pay . . .

Development Process Review Subcommittee of the EDC meeting, Jan 11 2011

The Economic Development Committee is continuing its work on improving the built-environment development review process in Madison. At its November 29th meeting, the EDC realized that it was hopeless to try and edit this document as a full committee, and appointed a subcommittee to hash out language over the next few weeks and months. That subcommittee met for the first time on Tuesday night. Read on for a flavor of what happened.

Monona Grove School Board.

A quick introduction: I have lived in the Monona Grove School district for 7 years now and Wisconsin most of my life. I...

DCTA seeks RTA restructuring, not dissolution.

The Dane County Towns Association included the following in their January 2011 update: DCTA seeks RTA restructuring, not dissolution. The Towns Association Board voted Wednesday, December...