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Committees 2 – Bench Ordinance 0

There are 5 committees looking at the Mayor's bench ordinance - so far two have voted. So far, both have UNANIMOUSLY voted against it. 3 committees left to go.

Remembering 4 years ago . . . 2/21/11 – 2/27/11

Second week of the uprising 4 years ago.

Democracy Needs You!

Set your cynicism aside and join a committee! Think about it this way . . . you have two or three years to raise hell. Recently, the council discussed the snow shoveling at bus stops, because the committee pushed it, not any alders. And a a result of the embarrassment it caused, the Mayor has put $70K in the budget. You can make a difference, if you are willing to stand up for the community!

A Game Changer for Equity Efforts?

Wow. Sad news for the City, but an opportunity for sure! Definitely Madison's College's gain.

Monkeys and Ethics

Um, this has nothing to do with the Overture.

Snow Emergency Declared: Park Odd

Here we go . . . winter's here!

Here We Go . . . 1st Snow Plowing Update of the Year!

Yup . . . its that time of the year again . . .

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

Budget Reflects our Values?

Yesterday I tried to speak to the common council about how a budget is allegedly a reflection of our values, and I had concerns that this budget is all about the Overture and Edgewater and not what struggling people in the community need. I asked if that really reflected our values, a luxury hotel and high end arts facility. I wasn't that articulate, I was tired and burned out and emotional about it after working too many hours listening to people's stories with so few answers. Fortunately, Heidi Wegleitner said it much, much better than I, so . . . um, what she said.

$60,000 for Homeless Services instead of a Day Center

Third year in a row, worst plan yet.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's the items I found of interest in the news, and a few that were not in the news.

Capital Budget Starts . . .. Tomorrow . . .

Agency presentations being tonight at 4:30 . . . I have no clue.