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What is Wrong With Homeless Service Poviders COMMUNICATING!

Argh!!!! You all know my frustrations . . . but it is freaking absurd when I find out about the plan to deal with homeless during the heat wave from two alders via neighborhood listserves instead of communication through the listserve for the Homeless Services Consortium or from the providers themselves. It comes via a forwarded email from the mayor's office. How the hell are homeless people supposed to know what services are available to them - they aren't on these listserves and they don't tell people what is going on!

Madison’s Economic Development Plan

In these economic times, doesn't this plan seem kind of underwhelming? Where is the creativity and responding to immediate concerns. This is just more of the same from several years ago. How many jobs will this create? How much will it increase the property tax base? What are the real measurements for this work? I'm not inspired.

Early Voting Begins!

No ID required, this time! Here's info on early voting: Dates and Times: Monday-Friday from 8:00am - 7:00pm: March 23-27 & March 30-April 3 Early voting (in-person absentee voting)...

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

Committees 2 – Bench Ordinance 0

There are 5 committees looking at the Mayor's bench ordinance - so far two have voted. So far, both have UNANIMOUSLY voted against it. 3 committees left to go.

Answering Bridget’s Question

Why can't homeless get services?

Another Police Blacklisting Project?

I missed this one, but now there are at least 3 "collective community bans" the police department has initiated, the one on State St. (Cap Times), the one with the north and east side hotels and one at E. Wash and E. Johnson at the Hawthorne Library area.

Attorney May’s Investigation into Wrong-doing at Monona Terrace

Here's his initial report on his investigation. My first question is why did it take 4 months to have an initial hearing on an ethics board complaint?

Weekend Round Up

Try as I might, I haven't gotten back into the daily grind of doing the daily round up, but I'm going to try again this week, there is so much going on, that I haven't been able to keep up with!

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part III

Ok - so that list of police calls in Part II was a little bogus and over-exaggerated, but there were some real issues in there. Yesterday, two gems of emails came out from the Mayor's office. Here's the latest on the Mayor's office campaign to rid themselves of the homeless in the building

County Week Ahead

26 Meetings . . .12 of start between 5:00 and 6:00 on Wednesday.

Homeless Services Consortium Weighs in on County Budget

If you'd like to help support these recommendations, email the county board at County_Board_Recipients@countyofdane.com and make sure to include your address so they know you are a constituent!