David Cieslewicz: Three Changes
What would be different a year from now if we re-elect our current mayor?
Oregon Progessives County Executive Debate . . .
I can't believe I forgot to post this, its been playing on WYOU for the past week . . . doh!
CNI Mayoral Debate . . .
all the details . . .
You'd think, that after all this time, if the Mayor is being lobbied by his buddies, he'd have them register as lobbyists, right? Especially when it is a high profile and unusual budget item. Yeah, B-cycle LLC and Trek aren't registered as lobbyists. Time to file another complaint.
District 13: Candidate Issues
District 13 is the near south side, Bay Creek, Vilas and Brams Addition.
Nick Hart: Three Changes
Perhaps, the most honest answer.
Changes at Overture
The Foundation changes its name and adds board members. Will any of it make a difference, now that they are allegedly on their own and can't come back to the city? Or will they fail and will they be back? They have a lot of money to raise every year in a bad economy.
Parisi endorsed by Planned Parenthood
I'm surprised by the endorsements coming out, since many are waiting til after the primary.
Wineke Endorsed by Steelworkers
More endorsements in the endorsement race for County Executive Candidates.
District 8: Candidates Top Issues
District 8, usually known as the "student district" covers a portion of Langdon St, the Spring St. area and the dorms.
The Wisconsin Highway Stimulus Rebate
Dear Scott Walker,
You have pledged to control runaway government spending in Wisconsin and focus on "Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs." Many of your backers from...
Know Your Candidates: District 10
Tom Farley, Nelson Donovan and Brian Solomon.