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70% of the City Week Ahead

I'm less optimistic after last week's performance of the so-called "weekly schedule", so instead of 80% I"m going with 70% and I'm hoping it doesn't dip into the 60's like it did last week.

Capital Budget Starts . . .. Tomorrow . . .

Agency presentations being tonight at 4:30 . . . I have no clue.

Other Meetings of Interest this Week

A few meetings that aren't on the official roster but of interest . . .

Tonight: Local Solutions to the Opioid Epidemic

What policy and budget solutions do we need in our community to end the deaths right here in Dane County? A great panel of experts will share their solutions!

New Ethics Rules

Committee, Commission and Board members always had to disclose conflicts of interest and recuse themselves when they had a conflict, but now, there will be a reminder on every agenda. The ethics board recommended this based on my open letter and the council approved it unanimously. Here's the city attorney's instructions.

Comprehensive Plan – On to the Controversial Items

The phase one, the easy part is near done. Now, on to the changes the developers want, and the neighborhoods don't. The big changes people were aware of were at Grandview Commons Grocery and Cherokee Marsh, but you will want to check out the other changes too.

City Council Operating Budget – Live Blogged

Here we go again . . .

County Week Ahead

16 meetings, 5 (about 1/3) scheduled at the exact same time? 2 cancelled.

March Madness Preparations

Mid-March about 150 - 200 homeless men run out of time in shelter til next Nov 1st.

Council Operating Budget – Part III, Vetoed, Not Vetoed

Sorry, computer malfunction and I didn't get finished last night, but here's what happened after the Mayor said he would veto the budget and they reconsidered the offending amendment. It's all the drama

Tuesday Morning Round Up

All the news you can . . . I was going to say use . . . but I'm not sure some of it is all that useful. Here's what I've got.

Rallies today, 10:30 and 4:30

I had heard noon - 3, but the South Central Federation of Labor says this: URGENT: You are needed in Madison. The whole...