Dennis DeNure: Three Changes
Can you guess what he says? Actually, there might be something new here . . .
District 10: Candidates Top Issues
District 10 stretches from the near west side (Regent St) to Allied Drive. Nelson Donovan and Tom Farley are challenging Brian Solomon.ddddd
MABA Endorses Brandon, Not Bruskewitz
MABA = Madison Area Builders Association. Usually MABA, the Realtors, Apartment Association, Chamber, Smart Growth Madison (developers) go for the same candidates. ...
Late City Week Ahead
Sorry I was slow on this one, work, video, Packer's game etc. got in the way.
Give $300K to Trek to Rent Bikes in Madison Parks?
Wait, we're going to pay Trek $100,000 for three years so they can make money renting bikes in our parks?
a. This is money...
Paul Soglin: Three Changes
I asked the Mayoral candidates, "If you're elected Mayor, name three things that will be different about Madison this time next year as a result?"
Zach Brandon: “Radical” Idea Number 3
Build Meaningful Relationships with Human Services Providers
District 18: Candidates Top Issues
District 18, on the northside has a primary election on February 15th. Candidates Steve Coleman, Peng Her and Anita Weier share their thoughts. Watch throughout the week for the rest of the primary races in 1, 8, 10 and 13.
Know Your Candidates: District 18
Steven Coleman, Peng Her and Anita Weier running. This race had a strong contrast in style and presentation of the candidates as well as experience.
A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…
The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...
McDonell: On Charter St. Plant
Walker has to making people angry in the business community . . . what's up with the war ON jobs.
The Ladies Like Joe . . .
Parisi that is. The endorsement wars continue . . .