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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Board Budget Meetings

Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. But, we can't do that at the expense of the most needy in our community. This is no longer just for budget geeks, this impacts everyone!

What’s a Billboard Worth?

We still can't figure it out, apparently, as we lose another lawsuit.

Say YES! to Schools

Help with the referendum coming up.

Changing Four Laws to make B-Cycle Legal

You knew it was coming. 4 laws "Thus far" need to be changed. The bikes aren't allowed where they want to put them, the signs don't comply with the sign code, a charter ordinance is needed to advertise in the Right of Way and something about the permit process. You can't make this stuff up.

Chief actually informing public in advance of Forums!

Nice change of pace . . .

No Thursday Garbage Pick-Up

heads up - put it out Friday.

Foreclosure Victory!

So many people in foreclosure don't know what to do, this story is inspiring, because it is a story of victory!

Sights and Sounds from #Justice4Tony

I missed the first evening, but I have video from Saturday, Sunday and Monday. More video coming, including the awesome testimony at the Police and Fire Commission, plus, upcoming events to know about.

City Week Ahead

12 meetings, 1 meeting after 5:30.

The City’s Anti-Poverty Strategy

The Council will vote on this tomorrow night.

Changes to this Week’s City Schedule

Yeah, they didn't disappoint me, plenty of changes.

Neighborhood Issue Resolved?

Well, the developer is once again communicating with the neighborhood and the meeting will go on. Here's the details.