Home Media Page 322


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Week Ahead

31 meetings, 2 cancelled. They will likely add meetings yet this week as well.

City Plans to Buy MORE Downtown Land

At what point do we exceed our capacity to get things done?

Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired - wages not so great. Women, not so good - in both getting hired and wages.

City Week Ahead

Only 7 of the weeks 20 meetings are in legistar, meaning, I have no idea where to find the minutes and agendas of previous meetings of these groups and they don't have attachments to see what they are talking about. Also, 12 meetings are held before 5pm. :(

Greyhound Moving . . . Again.

Yeah, I'm not kidding, the 8th time in 2 years

Mo’ Meetings

Sigh . . . I don't know why they have to always be late with meetings like these, its almost like they do it...

Soglin Message to City Employees

Scott Walker impacts overwhelming, but he'll try not to make it worse. Watch for a budget process for employees to participate in.

Dane County Appeal Letter for Day Center

1490 Martin Street Appeal Letter, meeting on Thursday at 6:00 at the Town of Madison Town Hall (2120 Fish Hatchery Rd.)

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Only one meeting? Guess they wore themselves out at that retreat we got late notice about . . .

Local NAACP Branch Reforming

I used to be on the board in the late 90's and I'm glad to see something happening locally once again!

County Week Ahead

6 of 14 meetings start before 5:00.