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Council Recap

Sorta live blogged again - this time, with a giant cup of diet Mountain Dew! (Yes, not Diet Coke, so watch out!)

Additional City Meetings

Seriously, why can't they just get this info up by Friday afternoon, within an hour of posting yesterday, there were notices of three more meetings

Who is doing more for Homelessness and Poverty?

Well, the city has their heads buried in the sand and are busy pointing fingers at the county . . . the county is working a little harder at the legislative level (head buried in sand at executive level). Check out just this week's meeting schedules for an example.

New Council City Week Ahead

New Council members take their seats Tuesday - noonish. Depending upon how long people talk . . . and they usually do for an hour or two.

Real Life Heros – City Staff and Homeless Man

Wow, I'm so proud to know both people who came to the rescue and saved the life of a woman who was distraught over potentially being evicted by the CDA

Board of Estimates Meeting – minus the Budget

Here's the items they had on their agenda and what happened - before they got to the department presentations on the budget

What the City Council Will Talk About Tonight

Unless we show up and have the at least listen to us on other topics . . .

7 Additions to the Week Ahead

That seems to be about the average of late . . . some of these meetings might have already happened, I should have blogged this sooner, but ran out of time.

County Week Ahead

Only 6 of 24 meetings held after 5:00. 75% of meetings this week help when the public is likely not to be able to attend unless they are a paid lobbyist.

Non-Equity Additions to the City Schedule

If equity is supposed to mean increasing participation by low-income persons and people of color, this is NOT the way to do it, this week, neither was this, or this. 7 of the 28 meeting this week were announced after the alleged weekly calendar came out Friday afternoon, that's 25%!!! 5 of the 7 added meetings were held during the day when most working people cannot attend.

More Messed Up Moving Daze – Camp Randall Area

Actually, on Saturday morning, when parents are likely to have time to assist with moving there's a mini-marathon in the downtown area, plus Farmers Market and Football Family Fun Day. Sounds like no fun!

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.