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Edgewater Responds to City Attorney

Well, the kinda did. Sort of.

City Week Ahead

Budget battle begins . . .

City Week Ahead

19 meetings, 3 cancelled, 2 have no link to the agenda, 11 meetings before 5:30, you can get to 5 meetings if you work til 5:00, 4 meetings before 4:00.

Madison Schools Week Ahead


Library Costs Incurred to Date

We seem to have consultants and experts and lots of activities, and surprisingly low "costs incurred to date". Somehow, I think she...

SCFL Fails to Endorse Mahoney

Hmmm . . . major labor group doesn't recommend sheriff for endorsement due to his ICE policy . . . I'm glad someone is...

MLK Weekend Round Up

Short week, lots to do . . . City Council meeting, County Board meeting, Mayoral and County Executive debates . . . among other things.

What will the council talk about tonight?

This is the info they all have . . .

Mo’ effin’ meetings

I should have known better than to be so happy and excited about my local government aiding in transparency . . . not much has changed. Here's 4 more meetings from today.

Dane County’s Values?

Tenants outside the City of Madison will have no where to turn come January 1. Case management is more important than helping tenants understand their rental rights and responsibilities and doing mediations at eviction court? Tough budget choices. Does this reflect Dane County's Values? Does it reflect yours?

Occupy: Oh, the Needles! The Hazards!

This is probably, personally, one of the most offensive comments that I have heard about Occupy. And the reason is, that in my...

Wisconsin Republicans Planning to Secure Road Funding, Destabilize Transit Funding.

An e-mail sent out by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association reports strong rumblings that either the Governor or the Legislature will try to...