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More Bad HUD Cuts!!!

Affordable housing trust fund? Meh. Who needs it?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hello McFly!

Recently Cottage Grove Village Trustee Micah Zielke went on a little rant about local participation in Government during his officer remarks. "I would like...

County Week Ahead

13 meetings if you count the joint meeting once.

Hey, Let’s Change TIF Policy . . . AGAIN!

I've been hearing rumors of this, saw an email that went out last week, and now we have the official word from the mayor . . .

City of Madison Update on Body Cams


County Board Committee Appointments!

Who will be primarily working on which issues . . .

County Week Ahead

21 meetings, 10 meetings before 5pm on a weekday, so only half the meetings when most people not paid to be there can make...

Mo’ Meetings

I'm so tired of these posts, aren't you. All three meetings are before 5:00 and if you need to request special accommodations (interpreters, translators, materials in alternate formats, etc,) you got less than 24 hours and as short at 1 hour to do so . . . if you got the notice immediately when it was released.

County Week Ahead

Lots of meetings this week, County Board is doing their budget - they have scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for meetings, but they will likely be done tonight - in less than 2 hours, probably less than an hour.

Volunteers Needed!

For several things I'm involved in, check it out!

ACTION NEEDED: 8 More Police Officers?

Dang - the city CAN move quickly if it wants to ram something through the process! Vote Tonight!

Mo’ Meetings

3 more . . . grrrrr . . . this is just insulting to the public. No worries, just voting and policing issues. Mostly just civil right type stuff. Nothing to get your knickers in a bunch about . . .