Joe Parisi: County Union Contracts
What are your thoughts on the union contracts approved by the County Board last Thursday?
Joe Parisi: How Would Dane County Be Different?
Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?
Midweek Round Up
I have a big grant due tomorrow, so this has to be quick!
3 inches of snow but . . .
no snow emergency. And we wonder why people can't figure out when to move their cars . . . perhaps all this inconsistency is part of the problem.
National Transportation Group Takes Notice of Wisconsin’s New Governor
While Scott Walker is talking about dubious emergency measures to "right-size" government and create jobs, a 2005 WISDOT report estimates they had $1.36 billion in highway cost overruns in the previous 15 years. I am hoping Mark Pocan, who is on the newly formed Government Waste Commission, will be bringing this up regularly at their meetings.
Ch-Ch-Changes to the “Weekly” Schedules
Geez, lots of changes . . .
Monday/Tuesday Round Up, Part I
Partial Round Up . . . more coming.
Public Access to the Edgewater
Yup . . . still talking about that. It was at Plan Commission last night, here's the scoop.
Board of Estimates Recap
Annoyed blogger.
County Board Week Ahead
Wow, the list of committees is not very helpful . . . since they are really meetings of subcommittees of the committees listed.
City Week Ahead
Buying Brayton lot, Edgewater, Moving historic house in Bethel parking lot, James Madison Park Surplus mystery committee and more.
Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc Mayoral Forum: January 20th, 7pm.
The Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc (CNI) Program Committee is hosting a Madison Mayoral Forum on January 20th at 7pm. John Nichols of the Capital Times...