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City and County Week Ahead

There's only 4 meetings, 1 city (today), 3 county (all tomorrow).

TGIF Round Up

Another week over . . . and so much left to do . . . . lots going on last night, look for blogs over the weekend as I catch up . . . meanwhile, here's what the news covered, and a little more . . .

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings, 2 today.

Public Telling: Money Out/Voters In Coalition

Here's an update from Richard Russell . . .

I’ve Had it! Have you?

So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.

Downtown Thursday Trash Pick up Becomes Daily

Hippie Christmas! Garbage picked up daily downtown, but please, please, please, please, please don;t dump your stuff on our streets.

The Return of the Round Up?

I'm not making any promises, but here's a round up of Monday news and maybe a bit from the weekend. It's a little tough, cuz there isn't much news left in this town, but here's my shot at it.

The City Budget Week Ahead

They still managed to schedule 21 meetings, even tho they can't scheduled meetings during budget, which is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.

WTF? Madison has a 9.5:1 Arrest Ratio

That means blacks are 9..5 times more likely to be arrested than whites. Dane County average is 8:1. Ferguson 2.8. WTF? (sorry chief, if deserves an f-bomb!)

Lookin’ At the Supreme Court Decision

Particularly, Abrahamson's awesome dissent. Rudy Moore, a friend of mine from Foley & Lardner helps break it down. Rudy was a judicial intern for Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. Besides being an attorney, he's also an electrical engineer, recipient of a Congressional medal for service in Antarctica after spending 13 months there, and he's a commercially licensed pilot.

Non-Consent Agenda for tonight

If its not on this list or a public hearing item, it will likely be passed as noted on the council agenda.

5th Change to the Weekly Schedule?

Not even 24 hours notice this time . . . .