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Middleton Common Council Passes pro-RTA resolution.

Yesterday, the Common Council of the City of Middleton passed a resolution supporting the Dane County RTA, placing a 1/4 sales tax increase on...

Uh, Don’t Forget To Vote!

Most people only have the Supreme Court primary . . . but its important! Vote Kloppenburg! You might have another thing to vote...

News Links

News Links Build yourself a Micro House and beat the sytem! Hillary Slams Pro-Wrestleing. I may have to unleash the Crusher on you. Earmarks = BAD,...

Support the Scene – 3/17 – 3/19

Thursday March 17th I know I did not post anything last week, I was busy with band stuff. We opened the show for Jackie Greene...

The City Week Ahead

This will either get finished before 11:00, or tomorrow.

Wednesday Morning “Not Much News” Round Up

Holiday week . . . so, this post is weak. GENERAL NEW DOWNTOWN BED AND BREAKFAST I'm so glad someone is doing something with this house! ...

Weekend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Not in the News Round Up

Um, I'm horribly far behind and all this stuff is just sitting in a draft folder, so I'm just getting this out there, done or not

Kudos to the Clerk’s Office and EOD!

Consider me impressed!

Council Operating Budget – Part III, Vetoed, Not Vetoed

Sorry, computer malfunction and I didn't get finished last night, but here's what happened after the Mayor said he would veto the budget and they reconsidered the offending amendment. It's all the drama

County Budget Recap

Here's the info on the meetings I attended regarding this year's county board budget. I'll be live streaming the Personnel and Finance meeting again tonight . . . and hopefully both nights next week.

Oh, and at 10:00 today . . .

There's a mockery of a public hearing at the state capital today on the bill that will further erode tenants rights . . . for the first time in 6 years . . . I decided not to go today, that my efforts were better spent elsewhere.