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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Illegal Meeting?

I see a newspaper reports of a meeting. And I see the weekly schedule and that meeting isn't on the weekly schedule.

County Supervisors: Rescind Your Decision!

Let Homeless people sleep at the City-County Building! Letter signed by: Supervisors Carousel Bayrd, Jenni Dye, John Hendrick, Dorothy Krause, Al Matano, Patrick Miles, Leland Pan, Jeff Pertl, Kyle Richmond, Michele Ritt, Nick Zweifel and Heidi Wegleitner! Thank you!!!

Added Meetings this week . . .

Departments and staff that can't seem to get agendas in more tan 48 or 72 hours before the PUBLIC meetings. Can't tell if its incompetence or public avoidance, but no matter the motive, its annoying and embarrassing to the city.

What a waste

Talk about over-policing. It takes one cop that can't wait for back up to kill a distressed unarmed black man. It takes 200? cops to arrest 28 peaceful, cooperative protestors? We have some messed up priorities.

Operating Budget Department Requests – Part III

Ok, one more post after this one, see part 1 and part 2 for more info.

Neighborhood Meeting on the Rushed Through Project

I haven't gotten any notifications from my alder about this (go figure), but the neighborhood association has now sent me two notices. Of course, its not my neighborhood association, they are just good neighbors.


It seems Alder Mark Clear will be withdrawing an amendment that would take money from community services for a consultant for the BioAg Gateway.

Holy Mother of all Board of Estimates Meetings!

Something for everyone on here. I'll do a quick recap of the issues so you can see how much is going on at the city . . . with not many paying attention. Sadly, when you look at where our money is going, and the time, effort and energy of the staff, elected officials and others - its to accommodate developers. Not so much on equity and poverty. Here's a snap shot of why, and why the budget is so important to changing our ways.

Fo’ Mo’ Meetings

So, freaking annoying. Why bother pretending there is a weekly meeting schedule.

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.

Plowing Updates, Snow Emergency, Metro Not Running

Most people moved their cars last night, thinking it would be a snow emergency . . . now, if they don't move, they'll be towed. Makes me think of that Phish song, every time . . . .

Mo’ Meetings!

So, I really thought the days of having to make these posts was over . . . .no so!