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JDS: Do our Ethics Laws Mean Nothing?

I was blown away to find out Mo Cheeks, the Pro Tem (Vice President), of our Common Council works for Kevin Conroy, the President and CEO of Exact Sciences and Ton Still, an influential cheerleader of the project, and he never bothered to disclose it - or recuse himself from the Judge Doyle Square discussions?

City Week Ahead

3 meetings after 5:30, out of 17. And who schedules a meeting on a controversial issue (body cameras) at 1:00??!

County Week Ahead

Also no meetings tonight, but a packed rest of the week

Tour des Chicken Coops and Art In

Events on near east side this weekend - a little different than the other side of E Wash and La Fete . . .

County Week Ahead

10 of 24 meetings at 3:00 or before. 13 after 5:00.

Public Testimony On Capital and Operating Budgets (Live-ish Cliff Notes)

The meeting starts off with the Mayor braking the gavel and it going flying towards Shiva Bidar-Sielaff . . . she asks if he's trying to set the tone . . .

Business to Cozy up to Local Elected Officials

City Council and County Board schmoozefests planned. Sponsored by DMI, the Chamber, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Smart Growth Greater Madison -...
school board committee agendas

Madison School District Week Ahead 3/8/21

3 meetings this week. School repoening and 2021-2022 Budget development plus handbook language on Layoffs.

County Board Week Ahead

8 out of 17 agendas also have broken links. And by the time I do my WORT summary of the week later this afternoon, 7 meetings will be done and over with . . .

More Money to Militarize Local Law Enforcement

Tonight the County Public Protection and Judiciary will be approving $47,000 from Federal Homeland Security and Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs for what? "Advanced Tactical Integration Training", whatever that is.

McDonell: On Charter St. Plant

Walker has to making people angry in the business community . . . what's up with the war ON jobs.

County Week Ahead

More accurate, but there were changes last week.