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(Rest of the) County Week Ahead

Seems a little light this week . . . 13 meetings - only 10 left (sorry).

Snow Updates: No Snow Emergency Tonight

Well, ok.

Update on Changes to the Landmarks Ordinance

The Landmarks Commission has discussed this at 8 meetings already, and I missed most of them, so I went back through the minutes to see what I missed, here's my summary/highlights of the discussions they had in case you're also interested. They will be discussing this again tonight.

Progressive Dane, Not Dead Yet.

Not taking over the world either. Just doing what we do. Progressive Dane announces endorsed candidates for 2011 spring elections.

City in August Week Ahead

Whoa, this is a ton of meetings for August . . . when committees routinely take the month off.

Capital Budget Presentations – Streets

Here's another one, still from Monday, but I am getting closer to getting them all done - I had technical difficulties and no time!

It’s OK, Drink the Toxic Water

That's what they're saying . . .

Start Reading!

91 page report is out from the Economic Development Commission on how the development process should be modified. I lost track of the process somewhere along the line, so I'm not sure what changes were all made. There are many, many (over 80!) attachments in legistar with lots and lots of input, but this is the final report. Of course, there will still be public input and there could be more changes, but I'm kind of doubtful much will change. Additionally, check out the input our new Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development gave . . .

League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

50th Anniversary Further Bus Tour – The Grasshoppers

This is most of the set of The Grasshoppers from July 26th at the Barrymore during the 50th Anniversary Tour of the Further Bus....

Traffic Nightmares for Memorial Day Weekend

Yeah, that's not news . . . but there is a marathon going through town on Sunday that will be snarling up traffic, not...

County Week Ahead

7 meetings . . .