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County Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings, one of them is the county board!

The Mitch Henck Maneuver

Mitch Henck has been a voice in Madison for quite some time. I do not know Mitch Henck personally, but have listened to...

Wisconsin State Journal – Getting It Wrong for 100 Years!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial on March 9th, 1914 proclaiming "Send Pickles...

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

The Haters are Getting Aggressive

I'm used to haters, my email is full of examples of it (mostly from when I was an elected official), but it irks the hell out of me when it gets directed towards other people and it professes such ignorance. Check out the latest flyer circulating in the East High area against the homeless who are looking for a place to live. Saturday's meeting could be interesting.

My Testimony

The Monona Grove School District recently held series of public hearings regarding proposed budget reductions in the district. As a district...

County Week Ahead

Lots of meetings this week, County Board is doing their budget - they have scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for meetings, but they will likely be done tonight - in less than 2 hours, probably less than an hour.

End of the Third Week in May, We are Busy Bees, Cross-Pollinating.

This past week was another full one. I was very grateful for the grey and cold days at the earlier part of the week,...

Gov 2.0 and Madison: An Introduction

The citizens of Madison are a fairly tech-savvy bunch, but when it comes to technology in the civic space, we’re not as far out it the lead as we should be. I’d like us to change that, and join the list of cities developing applications as part of a Gov 2.0 movement. This is a brief introduction, and what follows below is a three-part set of posts.

2 School Races! Spring Elections Heating Up!

We actually have people running for local office!!! As of today, we have TWO school board races and people have only had 6 days to file!!

So . . . Who’s Runnin’ For Local Office?

Here's the city council and school board folks running in Madison so far . . . Filing deadline is January 3rd! 3 City Council incumbents have challengers and District 11 will have a new alder. And we have two races for School Board!