Dec. 21 – Homeless Person’s Memorial Service
The longest day of the year . . . also one of the saddest.
Overture’s Over Round Up
I missed the first 3.5 hours of the meeting, so I have no recap of the council meeting this morning . . . other, more important things to do last night . . . here's what's going on around town.
Alder Verveer Amendment on Overture for tonight
Michael May sent this out with a note that says: "Alder Verveer asked that I distribute this amendment that he will offer from the floor tonight. This language was agreed to by Alder Verveer, the Mayor’s office, the HR Director and me." Since when does an alder negotiate with staff for what they can and cannot propose to a resolution?
Nothing to Discuss Tonight at Council . . .
Just one item separated by alders, and its not the Overture . . . what is this, wishful thinking?
Overture Parties Approve Deal Unanimously
All three Overture Boards (201 State, Overture Development Corporation and MCAD) unanimously approved the Overture deal, version 5.
Dear Colleagues,
I have just come from a...
Overture vs. Community Services Contracts
I keep hearing the Overture contract will be like the non-profit contracts. Cool . . . lets do it! Give us the same deal!
Tuesday Morning Round Up
1/3 of the way to making this a habit . . . 21 days, right? On day seven of consecutive round ups!
Overture – Version 5
Well . . . I was there, but I'm not sure I understood the explanation about how this is different . . . and the strike out and underline version wasn't available to the public, and it wasn't complete anyways.
Overture Deal Explained
No TV cameras, major Overture parties not here, just the alders, and its 10 after 5:00 - perhaps they are holding their own press conference elsewhere?
Overture Agreement?
A tentative one . . . more at 5:00.
Snow Emergency: We’re Towing! (jk)
No sign of towing in my 'hood. If they say they are going to tow and don't, then it just adds to the problem of not being predictable. My guess is tonight, people won't think they have to move because it is the third night of snow and the plowing was kinda atrocious/not so evident.
Bitterly Cold Round Up
Brrrrrr . . ..