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Banned, Banned, Banned – No Legal Place to Go!

I made this list of places homeless have been banned from or are not allowed to sleep or just be- but I missed a few, so I'm revising the list. The bench ordinance and the ban from sleeping at the city-county building are two more to the list. All this effort and homelessness has increased and we wasted a lot of time, effort and energy on these things instead of finding positive solutions.

State Republicans Doing Their Best to Make Wisconsin a Great Place to Drive!

While Scott Walker has managed to deliver early on his promise to “Stop The train”, it appears that he has already backed away from...

County Supervisors: Rescind Your Decision!

Let Homeless people sleep at the City-County Building! Letter signed by: Supervisors Carousel Bayrd, Jenni Dye, John Hendrick, Dorothy Krause, Al Matano, Patrick Miles, Leland Pan, Jeff Pertl, Kyle Richmond, Michele Ritt, Nick Zweifel and Heidi Wegleitner! Thank you!!!

County Budget Amendments . . . So Far . . . (Updated!)

5 committees, 35 amendments to County Executive Joe Parisi's budget . . . all to be decided today . . . here's what they will be discussing, plus the 7 already submitted. Budget season will be over in a matter a 2 - 3 weeks, so now is the time to pay attention.

City Week Ahead

31 meetings, 2 cancelled. They will likely add meetings yet this week as well.

Wineke Endorsed by Steelworkers

More endorsements in the endorsement race for County Executive Candidates.

Teamsters Endorse Wineke

Here's another one . . .

City Week Ahead

3 days, 17 meetings, 2 cancelled, 5 held at times people with day jobs can't attend and XX? will be added on Tuesday and Wednesday.

School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings!

Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Track One

This item is a list of potential non-controversial changes to correct errors or omissions or to include things that were approved in other plans. They would prepare the amendments if this list is approved.

“Draft” Day Resource Center Concept Paper

I might be being dense here, but there is nothing new in this that Lynn Green hasn't been saying all along. There appears to be no feedback mechanism at the moment, except to email Lynn Green and Casey Becker, but I don't know what happens with that feedback (likely nothing, like the rest of our feedback so far) and then I'm unclear what the next steps are except to go right to a RFP, with no public discussion of this.

Mo’ Meetings

What a surprise! (no, not at all) x more meetings, look for more tomorrow and maybe even Wednesday.