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Jessica King: Greyhound Bus Move

A letter from a concerned citizen . . .

Benford Endorses Wegleitner

Since some members of the press kept trying to make a story out of Progressive Dane's wonderful dilemma of having too many candidates who want to run - I thought people might find this of interest.

County Board to Use Messner’s Property for Affordable Housing

It's like bizarro world today, the county board is going to use the former day site property for affordable housing AND, and this is the freaky part . . . the mayor agrees.

Mayor’s Latest Brainfart

This is getting embarrassing. He's being irrational, contradictory with himself, lacks compassion and is just being mean, is coming up with silly solutions that don't work without talking to community stakeholders and ultimately, I'd bet it won't pass.

Update on Hulsey Endorsement Lies

We have already provided clear evidence that Brett Hulsey has been falsely claiming the support of Fred Risser and Tammy Baldwin on this blog. I...

Civil Public Discourse – Cottage Grove

Is a great idea to strive for, but personally, if I had to pick, I would prefer INFORMED public discourse. Tonight, at...

Police Gearing Up for Budget Battle

Every year the police are the most political at budget time - Chief Wray was a little more smooth than Koval - but they don't act like the other departments. I wish Community Services would do the same thing they do - just one year. But when us alders tried, we got put in our place. Anyways, when they submit their budgets, the police always have a memo. Other departments don't do this. Here's this years . . . grab a bucket.

YGB: Madison Police Role in Racial Disparities (Updated)

What is MPD's Role in Addressing Racial Disparities?

County Board Budget Schedule . . .

You ask a question and the universe provides . . . sorta.

A New City Budget Process to Include YOU!

Wow. This is what some of us progressives have been dreaming about for a long time. Words like "participatory budgeting" being spoken by the staunchest Democrats! And Soglin has a vision for how to do city budgeting better. The council seemed a little more trapped in their ways and couldn't seem to figure out how it might work, but had some ideas.

Overture Deal Reached

Stay tuned, press conference planned for today . . . This came out about 11:00 last night. I was at the bar reading...
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 3/8/21

Already missed 4 meetings today, but there is still many more meetings happening this week!