Snowy City Week Ahead (Updated)
So, how's that blizzard working out for you?
Overture Updates
This is from yesterday . . . update on Thursday, Friday and Saturday meetings . . .
Plowing Updates, Snow Emergency, Metro Not Running
Most people moved their cars last night, thinking it would be a snow emergency . . . now, if they don't move, they'll be towed. Makes me think of that Phish song, every time . . . .
No Snow Emergency Tonight
So, for the next two nights, you'll have to alternate side park downtown . . . .
Snow . . . plowing might be on hold
They may just plow and salt the main street . . . .
Neighborhood Member Responds
To Bridget Maniaci's characterization of their last meeting on the Edgewater . . .
Ken Golden Drops Out of Mayor’s Race
Oh . . . shit . . .
Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!
Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .
The Collins House as a Hacker House
At the most recent James Madison Surplus Property Committee meeting, I testified on an idea I’ve been kicking around about enhancing the local high-tech startup scene in Madison. Wondering what the hell that has to do with James Madison Park? It comes down to Collins House, and if the people who wake up there in the morning should be tourists or hackers.
New Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development Nominated
When you think of good planning, do you think of Atlanta?
Expect Snow, Not Plowing
At least on your residential streets . . . .
4 days and counting . . . Round Up!
Ok, one more day, and it will be a whole week and I'll be back! I hope! So much going on, so little time.