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Mo’ Meetings

Fixing yesterdays mess . . . sort of, its a start.

Susan Schmitz (DMI) and Bill White on the “Broken” Development Process

Turns out, they say the development process isn't broken. And they back off of many of the other statements in their report.

Petty Criminal Konkel Going to Court Today

2 charges . . . both pretty bogus. standing mute

County Week Ahead

Enjoy - budget time!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

I found 6 meetings . . . I'm sure there are more . . .

How to Decide to Demolish a Landmark

George Austin kept saying that we had to think about what was going to go in place of the landmarked buildings or that is should "add value" if we demolished a landmark when talking about the project on the 100 State St block. That was still bugging me, I don't see that anywhere in the standards for demolishing a landmark. He also said that Landmarks Commission made a recommendation to the Plan Commission about a demolition, which also, clearly was not true. They issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and its appealed to the council (think Edgewater). For his comments see here. For the real standards and procedure, see below.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Just two meetings - but one is the committee looking at police in the schools and the small groups will be finishing their review of the recommendations.

School Board Week Ahead

One meeting, today.

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 ....


Are We Really Going To Do This?

$17 - 47M in TIF to redevelop the Government East Parking Ramp and the Municipal Building into a hotel and other uses? Should we spend $8M or $1.5M more in 2014? Or pause while we rethink this? Council votes tonight!

Capitol (Legal) Updates – Court Cases Galore!

Here's an update from the City Attorney on some of the court cases going on about all the events at the capitol in February and March.

Where Do You Buy Your Healthy Food?

Hope to see you tonight . . .