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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Hmmm, City digs itself a hole.

Yeah, watch them scramble over the discriminatory bar policies they "support" but did not encourage. This is one of the goofier email strings I've been openly given, without request, since I've been off the council

It might actually snow . . .

And there might actually be a snow emergency . . . so you'd have to park on the even side of the street Friday night.

Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn't just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

Mo’ Meetings

Geez, 5 changes already Monday. . . one today

Real Life Heros – City Staff and Homeless Man

Wow, I'm so proud to know both people who came to the rescue and saved the life of a woman who was distraught over potentially being evicted by the CDA

City Week Ahead

A little shorter than usually due to budget deliberations . . .

Co-Housing and Land Trust Homeownership Opportunities

Affordable housing for owners . . .

City Week Ahead

2 week hiatus over - my Tenant Resource Center work is not done, but after working 65 hours last week, I need a break before I go back to another 65 hour week.

Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It's amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I'm not sure it's the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time?

1st Substantive City Police Policy Review Meeting

I hope I don't have to eat my words, but this committee looks promising! They are going to be discussing what their priorities and workplan should look like for the next year at their next meeting, so mark you calendars now if this issue is important to you! They meet 1st Thursday of the month at 5:30.

Monday Morning Round Up

Sorry, there was a pause for budget . . . which I still haven't finished blogging, but I will throughout the week . . . which I have off! Yay!

Mo’, Mo’ Meetings

2 more . ..