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City Week Ahead

If you work til 5:00, you can make it two meetings this week if you can get there in a half hour during the "rush hour" traffic. You'll miss the public comment on the other 17 meetings.

Unbelievably, City Week Ahead, Take III

Yesterday, I was annoyed by the addition of 12 meetings to the weekly agenda, today, there are only three more. Including big news at the Overture and police department input. However, that is a record 15 meetings added. How are people supposed to participate in local government when notices of meetings go out 24 - 48 hours before the meetings start?

How to “Fix” the Landmarks Ordinance.

The Edgewater folks are paying attention. Are you?

City Week Ahead (Completed)

This is what might be the city week ahead. 9 of 36 meetings start after 5:00. Starting at 4:00 or 4:30 seem the most popular, hope you're not interested and work until 5:00.

County Week Ahead

A unpleasant reminder that Legistar is only as good as the people using it- garbage in, garbage out. Actually, they just need to get the right information in there in a timely manner, but instead there is just no info or links, with a few exceptions.

City Week Ahead

23 meetings, 4 start after 5:00.

Mo’ Meetings . . . City side, of course.

4 added today.

Illegal Meeting?

I see a newspaper reports of a meeting. And I see the weekly schedule and that meeting isn't on the weekly schedule.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

All the news you can . . . I was going to say use . . . but I'm not sure some of it is all that useful. Here's what I've got.


This is NOT an April Fools joke. It's a little more like an Easter Egg Hunt.

More City Week Ahead – And an APM to Note

In case people didn't know, there is an APM that was recently revised that talks about getting agendas to the clerk's office by noon on Friday.

November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever!