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What will the council talk about tonight

This, and items people show up to talk about - like the budget and the Police Policy Report writer.

City Week Ahead

20 meetings, a few missing agendas . . .

Sure to be Screwed Up City Week Ahead

Here's what they want you to know about, but several meetings will be added soon after I post this - some with just a little over 24 hours notice. Those are the meetings they don't want the public at. Or, are the committee staff just totally inept. I'd guess the former. To add to the uselessness, many "no link" items this week.

County Week Ahead

Heads up - the county board meeting for this week has been cancelled. (I've don't think I've seen that in the last 20ish years . . . )

Today, We Say Good-bye Housing Help Desk

17 years. It doesn't feel so good to do something for 17 years and be kicked out on your butt without as much as a thank you - but instead a, "let's never do business again". So it goes when working with the county. Can't say I'm sad to have the relationship end. But our clients . . . and the people who need our help, well that crushes my soul.

Oregon Progessives County Executive Debate . . .

I can't believe I forgot to post this, its been playing on WYOU for the past week . . . doh!

Panhandling Ordinance Went Into Effect Yesterday

Check out that map! Too bad they didn't provide that to the council and public BEFORE they passed the ordinance.

Dane Co. Tonight: Pot Possession Fines drop from $150 to $10

If you are carrying 25 grams or less and you get a cop that gives you a county ordinance violation instead of a city ticket or state charge.

WWBKD: No need to know about these meetings!

Wow! This says something about our priorities and speaks directly to equity. Please, don't show up, the public is sooooo pesky! Over 150 meetings were scheduled after the city weekly meeting schedule comes out late Friday afternoon since the beginning of the year . . . why? Most of these meeting people had less than 72 hours notice before thy started. And the patterns show that most of the topics covered in these meetings have to do with poverty and equity issues.

Round Two: Neighborhood Summit

This part asked what's working well, favorite suggestion today and important lesson today.

Mayor’s Capital Budget Message

Yup, budget time!

Short County Week Ahead

7 meetings . . .