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The Collins House as a Hacker House

At the most recent James Madison Surplus Property Committee meeting, I testified on an idea I’ve been kicking around about enhancing the local high-tech startup scene in Madison. Wondering what the hell that has to do with James Madison Park? It comes down to Collins House, and if the people who wake up there in the morning should be tourists or hackers.

New Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development Nominated

When you think of good planning, do you think of Atlanta?

Expect Snow, Not Plowing

At least on your residential streets . . . .

4 days and counting . . . Round Up!

Ok, one more day, and it will be a whole week and I'll be back! I hope! So much going on, so little time.

Neighborhood issues with Edgewater Public Access Management

This is a partial list of issues . . . but others are in this post.

More Edgewater Craziness

I'm trying to make heads or tails of the most recent emails flying around. I wasn't at the meeting in question, so don't know what happened, but this is a good indication of why there are so many problems. The parties don't have even the most basic level of communication skills, and Alder Maniaci seems to add to, not help resolve the communication insanity. Check it out.

Overture – Version 4 Expanded Language

This is a much more readable version of what the council workgroup offered to the Overture parties. And, a list of the potential meetings coming up, every day.

Spring Elections . . . Boys, Boys, Boys

It is a Boys Club still . . . check it out, where are the women candidates? Only a few women in the alder races. Here's the latest as the close of the day yesterday of who is running.

Three Days In a Row Round Up!

Overture, Library and High Speed Rail meetings last night . . . and Radomski and Brandon announce for Mayor and County Exec . ....

Overture Version 4 Discussion (Final)

Ok, another "live blog" . .. . to the best of my ability.

Two Days in a Row Round Up!

It's not a trend yet . . . but trying to make it one . . .

Plan Commission Discussion on the Edgewater

This was kind of "live-blogged" until the end when my typing skills didn't keep up, so, I didn't post the final until I could correct the end this morning. The big news here is that when the agenda says something is going to be referred, it really means they are going to discuss it anyways. And Alder Bridget Maniaci appears to be a pathological liar.