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Ready for Snow?

The city thinks it is . . . here's their update from yesterday: SNOW PLOWING UPDATES by Alan Schumacher, Streets Superintendent posted November 22, 2010 1:26 PM ARE...

Monday Morning Round Up

Sorry, there was a pause for budget . . . which I still haven't finished blogging, but I will throughout the week . . . which I have off! Yay!

Next Steps on Overture

I hope alders are paying attention, they got less than 48 hours notice of how it will be and what their homework is.

An Overture Must Read

Former MCAD/201 State Treasurer speaks up . . . Gives the Council his two cents on the Overture . . . a kinda grim outlook. But hey, that's his job, to be the fiscal conservative voice, perhaps they should listen. Prepare to have this conversation again in a few years, he says.

Short County Week Ahead

7 meetings . . .

City Week Ahead: Two Days

Meetings Scheduled for Monday and Tuesday only . . . there will be Overture meetings by MAD and 201 State on Tuesday as well, at least that is what they announced last week, they just don't have their agendas in yet. Cuz, you know, they love to keep the public informed.

Madison’s “Save The Train” rally is just the first step!

Today’s “Save The Train” rally in Madison was a call to action for High Speed Rail proponents.  Elizabeth Ward of the John Muir chapter...

Overture Part II, Live Blog

Sorry, was getting too long. Here's part two.

Council Overture Discussion Live Blog Part I

. . . to the best of my ability. My "c" on my keyboard is a little finicky so be kind to my typing skills.

City Capital Budget – Amendment 14

Landbanking with bk comments. Just what exactly are they doing with the money and why? and what is the strategy?

City Operating Budget: Cliff Notes

I have 42 pages of notes . . . and not enough time for all the details right now, but here's the cliff note version until I finish all my budget blogs in the next few days.

City Capital Budget: Amendments 3 – 10

These aren't as long at the first one, or as long as 11 . . . the dreaded Edgewater!