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Council Recap – Live Blog (Sorta)

Well, I'll try . . . can't promise much! Worse typos than usual, so you have been warned.

See YOU at the Capitol Today?

Solidarity Sing A-long, Tenants' Rights and Local Control Rally and Get Well Soon Unions!

MTI Shows Support for Occupy!

Thank you MTI, check out what they had to say . . .

Madison Mayor Emergency Order #2

This order is for unsheltered homeless persons and creates safe outdoor spaces for those not staying in the shelter. 

Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...

Rookie Mistake, Or Bad Aldering?

Wow. I'm blown away by the following press release that Alder Lisa Subeck, former advocate for the homeless and affordable housing and the poor, turned politician put out earlier today.

City Week Ahead

19 meetings, 3 cancelled, 2 have no link to the agenda, 11 meetings before 5:30, you can get to 5 meetings if you work til 5:00, 4 meetings before 4:00.

Chief Koval: Take Another Look

No violence, eh? Seriously? Funny how a cop looks at video and thinks there is no violence but the people being arrested feel like (and sometimes scream out in pain) there is plenty of violence. It would be one thing if people were actually doing something worth getting arrested for, but as far as I can tell, the arrest that started this was for nothing. The police started this and it could all have been avoided.

Overture! 3:15 am, still Committee of the Whole

My computer crashed on me around 3:15, so I took the rest of the half hour or so of notes by hand. These are the motions that were made after they went around the room and took their straw vote of sorts. The alders start getting a little testy at this point.

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....

YGB: Self-Determined Community Control

The Young Gifted and Black Coalition presents a day of Political Education and protest - Tomorrow!

Council Recap (Part I), Sans Zoning Code Rewrite

Well, I got done what I could, I was triple booked last night. This includes the discussion on the hijacking of the Madison Metro bus for the Republican Senators . . . so enjoy! Part II and III may appear later this week if I have time!