Home Media Page 334


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McDonell: On Charter St. Plant

Walker has to making people angry in the business community . . . what's up with the war ON jobs.

I Hate it When Developers Do This!

And its even more annoying when someone you like does it! Grrr.

Central Library Public Input Meetings

Here's when you'll be able to give your input. There's 4 chances and they have said that the meetings are sequential so if...

Housing and the Federal Budget

Not so good news . . . of course.

Far East Side Neighborhood Walk

Neighborhood Walk , June 17th at 7 pm - Heistand Park

City Week Ahead

Here's what it currently looks like, but there are regularly meetings added, so check the weekly schedule yourself for additions.

City Week Ahead – Do Over (Packed Council Agenda for Tonight)

Ok, looks like Legistar is working, I'm feeling a little better after staying home yesterday (I hope!), committees have had time to be late, so lets try this again.

High Speed Rail Updates for the City

This is the discussion and updates from CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee) on Tuesday, and some of the concerns and some really good questions from some of the alders. With [bk comments.]

WORT Needs Help from Cooks!

For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!

Useless City Weekly Schedule

Sorry my "week ahead" has kinda sucked and been incomplete lately, but if I have incomplete info, it seems sort of less of a priority and misleading. Check out all the additional meetings scheduled after the Weekly Schedule came out

Overture Updates/Round Up (Updated)

Lots and lots of meetings this week, most not on the schedule yet. The meetings Sunday and Monday are on the weekly schedule, without the agenda, but there are here and here. Here's some updates on the meeting on Friday, and plans for the council to meet on Thursday. And, a few not so smart moved by Overture folks.

Madison Parks Watch

Do you want to help watch your park to make it safe? Upcoming training for neighborhood groups.