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What a waste

Talk about over-policing. It takes one cop that can't wait for back up to kill a distressed unarmed black man. It takes 200? cops to arrest 28 peaceful, cooperative protestors? We have some messed up priorities.

Spencer Black Withdraws Pledge of Support for Hulsey

As Brenda prints below, Spencer Black has recently condemned Hulsey for his decision to print material with quotes missatributed to him, material that he...

Public Testimony On Capital and Operating Budgets (Live-ish Cliff Notes)

The meeting starts off with the Mayor braking the gavel and it going flying towards Shiva Bidar-Sielaff . . . she asks if he's trying to set the tone . . .

County Week Ahead

21 meetings, 3 listed (some twice) with no agenda, 9 meetings before 5:30, 1 cancelled, 1 has minutes as an agenda?!

Spring Elections . . . Boys, Boys, Boys

It is a Boys Club still . . . check it out, where are the women candidates? Only a few women in the alder races. Here's the latest as the close of the day yesterday of who is running.

3rd Committee Unanimously Votes Against Bench Ordinance

Slam dunk! 3 for 3. Public Safety Review Committee (should be on 9/10) and Downtown Coordinating Committee (should be on 9/17) are next - they will be much harder. Not expecting unanimous defeat from those. Here's what happened last night.

Pssst . . . Mayor Dave . . .

Please take me off your campaign list.

City Week Ahead

Operating Budget begins . . . and both EOC and Food Committee got their agendas in on time!

Development Process Review Subcommittee of the EDC meeting, Jan 11 2011

The Economic Development Committee is continuing its work on improving the built-environment development review process in Madison. At its November 29th meeting, the EDC realized that it was hopeless to try and edit this document as a full committee, and appointed a subcommittee to hash out language over the next few weeks and months. That subcommittee met for the first time on Tuesday night. Read on for a flavor of what happened.

Is a Rollback of Car Insurance Minimum Coverage Needed?

On the surface there seems to be a tension between protecting people from a relatively slight risk of excessive bodily injury costs versus saving an inconclusive amount of money on their insurance. Why not provide both? Keep the 2009 minimums and help Wisconsin motorists save money by promoting Pay As You Drive (PAYD) car insurance to allow Wisconsin's drivers to control their costs. As an added benefit, research has shown that PAYD can reduce crash rates and congestion.

County Week Ahead

7 meetings . . .

Brandon on TV

He may not have filed his campaign finance report with the rest of them, but he apparently has some money . . .