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County Supervisors: Rescind Your Decision!

Let Homeless people sleep at the City-County Building! Letter signed by: Supervisors Carousel Bayrd, Jenni Dye, John Hendrick, Dorothy Krause, Al Matano, Patrick Miles, Leland Pan, Jeff Pertl, Kyle Richmond, Michele Ritt, Nick Zweifel and Heidi Wegleitner! Thank you!!!

What will the Council talk about Tonight? (Updated)

Very few items.

What Will (or did?) the Common Council Talk about Tonight

I'm posting this just when the council meeting is started . . . forgot it was Tuesday and got caught up in other things!...

Everything You Need to Know about 2014 Capital Budget, So Far (Updated!)

Yeah people, the budget has begun. Tonight the council seeks input on their initial amendments for the Capital Budget that are due tomorrow at noon, to be voted on at the Board of Estimates on Monday!

Embedded Bruer

Quite often in politics, it is much easier to elect the incumbent than to sit and think and compae the candidates and figue out...

What is the Chamber of Commerce Afraid Of?

So, the Mayor has proposed some legislation to require businesses to reveal campaign contributions to let's just say it - mostly fake front groups - and the Chamber is opposed and some alders seem real anxious to help them out. Why?

Tips for Moving Tenants

Er, Tenants who are moving! :) Know any? I bet you do! TOP FIVE FOR 2011 MOVING SEASON! 5. Landlords may not require tenants...

Day Center: Neighborhood Meeting Notice

I can't believe they pulled this together in 48 hours! Meeting October 7th.

City Capital Budget – Amendment 14

Landbanking with bk comments. Just what exactly are they doing with the money and why? and what is the strategy?

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .

Parisi’s Office Sabotages New Potential Day Center Location

I was furious yesterday afternoon when I found out that the first words out of Josh Wescott's mouth (Joe Parisi's press guy) to the reporter was the location of the potential site. Everyone was keeping it top secret, the only reason to reveal it is to sabotage it. That's just shitty. Way to throw people under the bus.

Random Round Up

Things going on around town.