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Metro Stroller Policy: Feedback wanted

Safety concerns with strollers? Do you care?

Mo’ Mo’ Meetings

Here's 5 more to add to the other four

Committee Members and Staff Needed

Soglin is looking for you! Women and People of Color, now encouraged to apply!

All Aboard “The Magic Bus”?

With 20 Madison Alders? Is the picture in your head right now this . . .

The County Week Ahead

It's budget time!

Barrett goes for Parisi

Another endorsement for Parisi.

COUNTY???? Week Ahead!

Ok, I should really start trying to do this again . . . with spring elections county board elections coming up . . . people should know what is going on, even if the mainstream news doesn't cover it.

Uh, Don’t Forget To Vote!

Most people only have the Supreme Court primary . . . but its important! Vote Kloppenburg! You might have another thing to vote...

Week Ahead . . . for now

Til it changes, in a matter of hours . . .

Johnson/Gorham Two-Way Study Discussion at the Council Meeting

From last night's meeting, with bk comments.

Absolutely Confused by County Board Budget Process

Apparently, its not just me. This year appears to be worse than ever. Trying to follow it, even when talking to various...

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.